Dear players,
Firstly, we are sorry about all happened in the past days. We know how hard it is for you to still choose staying. However, same here. For a small team, it's not easy to run a game so long. Even though that's not a good excuse, it's truth. Like we have admited before, when everything goes well, we have extra energy to prepare updating and organizing kinds of events like before. Now, all time are spent to prevent and fix endless cheating.
Time for this trade issue and there are some facts need to let players know. The truth is different from someone (Paragon) said like he wants to sell the tool for players and make good for them. In fact only few people have access to it and this time they cross the line. So here you have all of them:
Paragon himself, everyday he spends hours on Justac to scam players and then pretend he only makes hacks but doesn't use it. He provides the stolen uniques for his team as followings:
Forum name Haski, user of scamm tool, also owner of characters that pretend to be MM like Vectorthe2nd, Vekt0rthe2nd and Frankeinstein.
Forum name zerkrage, user of scamm tool and resell scammed items to players for real money.
Forum name Human2000, owner of characters that pretend to be MM, scammed and resell scammed items to players for real money.
Forum name Vile (eliv), user of scamm tool, provides stolen uniques for resellers.
That's all, no one else have access to the scamm tool and all scamms were provided by these people. We have banned all connected accounts about more than 150 and this work is still going on.
We will try best to start return stolen items to orginal owners in few days. Thanks for all help and understanding from all players, you are the meaning of Justac existing, all are for you guys. Special rewards and compensation will make after all the mess is gone.
Sorry again. Even today, we still have no courage to write this post, to face you guys. We should have take better care of the server, not like now. We never disappear, we saw how you like the game and how miss it. Same here. No matter how hard it is, we want it alive. We are not done with Archlord, so are you.